Israeli Shakshuka
The Israelis love their Shakshuka. In fact, there’s no one coffee shop or restaurant that serves breakfast in Israel, that doesn’t serve a Shakshuka for breakfast.
Shakshuka, with its funny name, is both delicious, and an easy dish to make. Here’s a step by step recipe for a standard Israeli Shakshuka, you can most definitely add some toppings to it according to your taste and mood, such as cheese for example.
OK, let’s begin. Cooking time: 40-50 minutes.
So which ingredients will we need for a Shakshuka for two:
- 1 Onion
- 2 red bell peppers
- 3 tomatoes
- 4 Eggs
- 1 Tomato Paste
- Canola oil
- Salt & Pepper
- Paprika
Shakshuka ingredients
For this Shakshuka for two, you’ll need an 8 Inch Round Pan (20-24 cm diameter).
Begin by frying the onion, using Canola Oil.
Step 1, fry 1 onion
Once the onions are golden and really soft, it’s time to lower the flame to medium, and start adding our red bell peppers. Cut them in small cubes, around 1/2 inch cubes. No need for them to be smaller.
Stir up those peppers now and then together with the onions and make sure nothing burns.
Only after the peppers are soft (would take you about 5 to 10 minutes), it’s time to start adding our tomatoes. They should also be cut in small cubes, but they can be a bit larger, even a whole inch each time.
Give the tomatoes another 7 minutes, and it’s best to cover the pan for that.
Onion, Peppers, Tomatoes
Once the entire mixture is soft, it’s time to add a little bit of salt, pepper, and two spoons of paprika. Right after, you can add the tomato paste, 2 to 3 tablespoons and stir up.
We’re almost ready for the eggs. Give it 7-8 more minutes after adding the tomato paste, and before adding the eggs.
Once it feels more stable, time to add the eggs. This pan size can have 4-5 eggs, open the eggs up carefully and pour the eggs on top of it.
In case you want to add any additional toppings, such as Feta Cheese, Mozzarella or eggplant, now is the time to do it.
From here, you’ll need 10-12 more minutes, and make sure the pan is covered.
Once the eggs are well cooked, let the pan cool for about 5 minutes before you eat.
A Shakshuka is a fantastic breakfast, and best served with Pita Bread.
Israeli Shakshuka